VANCOUVER, BC – A new play and earn game has broken into the NFT and blockchain gaming space with a fresh and innovative approach to online shopping.

Bloomverse’s goal is to create an all-in-one game economy with real life utility. While the majority of currently available blockchain based play-to-earn games are limited to players using their in game tokens on either more in game NFTs or are required to trade through multiple mediums before reaching FIAT, Bloomverse incorporates retail stores and brands directly into the game; players will be able to walk into a virtual store, spend their hard earned Bloomies, and have their favourite products delivered straight to their doorstep.

With its foundation built on the Solana blockchain in order to take advantage of its speed, simplicity, and low transactional fees, Bloomverse aims to introduce a platform for brands to directly interact with players, operate retail stores, and offer consumer subscriptions, all available within the games ecosystem.

They don’t stop there, Bloomverse’s character cosmetic NFTs allow players to customize their avatars and provide both on and offline perks. An armor NFT might come with extra hit points for the battle arena where you will fight for cryptocurrency, but it might also come with a subscription to a software or VPN service, or a monthly delivery of your much-needed vitamin supplements.

With rapid strides being made in development, Bloomverse plans to reward early adopters and fund itself within its own community by releasing a collection of “Founding Fighter” NFTs in early June 2022, with access to the governance token (BLOOM) private sale and “private party” privileges for all NFT holders and supporters of the initiative.

While their cinematic teaser, story telling, and alpha gameplay demos are definite stand outs from other crypto games we’ve seen so far, will their ease-of-use approach finally bring mass adoption to cryptocurrency games and successfully build a bridge between brand names and the metaverse?

Source: Bloomverse