In an unexpected corporate shuffle, OpenAI has dislodged Sam Altman from his dual roles as CEO and board member, as divulged in a recent blog publication by the company’s board of directors on Friday. The board’s decision emerged from an extensive scrutiny, reaching a consensus that Altman’s opaque communication style was impeding their oversight capabilities. Consequently, the board’s trust in his leadership prowess has waned.
Simultaneously, Altman’s innovative venture in cryptocurrency, Worldcoin, experienced a significant depreciation of 12% immediately following this revelation.
In an interim arrangement, OpenAI has elevated Mira Murati, the Chief Technology Officer, to the role of acting CEO. The organization is on the lookout for a permanent replacement. Concurrently, Greg Brockman, a co-founder of OpenAI, has been relieved of his chairmanship but will continue as the company president, operating under Murati’s guidance.