SINGAPORE and TEL AVIV, Israel – Joffre Capital, a technology-focused investment firm, and its portfolio company, announced a significant effort to support its employees in conflict areas and provide financial aid to the people of Ukraine. has more than 50 employees in impacted regions, and has partnered with Joffre Capital to provide logistical, psychological and financial support to ensure the continued safety and wellbeing of its employees. In addition, Joffre has committed to match the $75,000 raised by and its employees in financial aid to Ukranian refugees, bringing the total contribution to more than $150,000.

“The war has been deeply personal to Joffre because of the team members we have in the region working at,” said Dingan Fei, Chairman of and Managing Partner at Joffre. “We have been working closely with Company management to help make arrangements to move employees affected by the situation to a more stable location and to help families in need. While money feels insignificant, we have committed to match the donation raised by’s management and employee base to help Ukrainian refugees in this crisis.”

Source: Joffre Capital