E-commerce site eBay is hiring several Web3 roles focusing on KnownOrigin, the non-fungible token marketplace the company acquired in June. Among the roles listed are Crypto Counsel, Head of Community, a marketing executive and others.

According to the LinkedIn job posting, the Crypto Counsel role will primarily serve KnownOrigin and focus on advising the company’s blueprint as it expands into NFTs and other blockchain technology. Working with colleagues in taxes, intellectual-property (IP) and security, the lawyer hired will provide regulatory guidance as the company delves deeper into Web3.

“KnownOrigin.io is an early Web3 pioneer, an NFT marketplace empowering a new generation of digital artists to express themselves, find an audience and earn a living from their passion,” the company said in the job post. “And they’re looking for like-minded enthusiasts to join them in their venture!”

Despite bear market woes, eBay has been making its foray into NFTs over the past several months. In May, the company dropped a collection of hockey-themed tokens with NFT platform OneOf. Earlier this week, eBay teamed up with fan engagement platform Notable Live to onboard users to digital collectibles.

Source: CoinDesk