Bridging the Future: Chicago’s AI Conference Aims to Shape the Course of Finance

In the sprawling tapestry of the last century, no thread has woven itself as rapidly and intricately as that of technology. In a fresh revelation by McKinsey, over 70% of businesses are predicted to embrace at least one AI solution, with potential prospects of adding a staggering 1.2% to the global GDP. From detecting malignant cells to sniffing out financial fraud, AI is pacing ahead of humans. Yet, its promising sheen has its shadows. Concerns loom about AI systems exhibiting troubling biases, especially based on race and gender.

To pivot global AI perspectives and strengthen public-private interplay, Chicago is gearing up to host the significant Chicago AI Conference on October 26, 2023. An initiative steered by AI 2030, FinTech4Good, and backed by partners like the Chicago AI Council, Star Consulting, and Evolving Summit, the gathering promises a confluence of global AI maestros, trailblazers, and pioneers, all under one roof.

Harnessing AI: Beyond Business as Usual

Continuing the momentum, an exclusive Executive Roundtable is slated for October 27, where AI 2030’s eminent stakeholders will brainstorm on pressing subjects: the Open Source Responsible AI Framework, Global Task Force, and the AI2030 Accelerator programs, to name a few.

Xiaochen Zhang, who wears the dual hats of AI 2030’s Co-chair and the Chicago AI Conference’s Producer, commented on the synergy of finance and technology, “The realm of financial services stands on the cusp of an overhaul. With AI 2030 Senior Fellows at our side, we’re primed to delve into strategies ensuring AI’s boons align with principles of transparency, equity, accountability, and, crucially, safeguarding individual privacy.”

With its distinguished reputation as a global financial hub, Chicago’s vibrant blend of finance giants like Northern Trust, Morningstar, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, with a simmering pot of avant-garde AI research, positions it uniquely. Betsy Ziegler, helming the ship at 1871, chimed in, “Chicago is where dreams crystallize into tech realities. Here, one taps into unparalleled talent, basks in community spirit, and engineers world-altering tech breakthroughs.”

In essence, Chicago’s thriving blend of AI acumen and financial prowess promises a future teeming with AI specialists ready to etch their mark on the financial world’s canvas.

An Opportunity Not to Miss

The Conference beckons with a spectrum of avenues for innovation and contemplation, presenting AI triumphs and tackling ethical gray areas. Participants will bask in insights from the vanguards of AI, touching upon its efficiency, client experience, and the evolving legal milieu. A diverse chorus of regulators, tech magnates, academicians, investors, and innovators will steer the discourse.

The final clarion call? Be there to shape the future of finance through AI innovation, guided by global AI vanguards and driven by responsible frameworks and trailblazing programs. Don’t stay on the sidelines of the AI epoch. Register to be at the revolution’s vanguard at #ChicagoAIConference. Dive in at

About AI2030 Initiative

AI2030 stands as a beacon aiming to optimize AI for humanity’s betterment while treading cautiously on its potential pitfalls. Advocating for governance, ethics, and pioneering solutions, AI2030 is driven by its mantra: “Responsible AI for a Better World.” The initiative flourishes through its vibrant collaboration with fellows, members, and partners, each adding to AI 2030’s robust mosaic.