MINNEAPOLIS – Genuine Marketing Group Inc. announces the appointment of William Le Voir-Barry to Chief Technology Officer and GMG Board Member. On June 22nd, the company announced official filings were submitted for a pending merger with The World Poker Store Inc. (OTC: WPKS), which merger will be effective on July 15, 2022. Mr. Le Voir-Barry will officially join the board after the merger is effective.

As a seasoned Blockchain and Technology portfolio executive, William (Bill) brings over a decade of Blockchain; Cloud; Cognitive / AI, NFT and Digital Currency experience. Serving as IBM Watson and Cloud Technical lead as well as CTO of Esports and Video Gaming, he also has a long history of designing, engineering, and building tech infrastructure for multiple companies in the blockchain space. As Genuine Marketing Group’s CTO, Bill will focus on emerging trends, emerging markets, and driving consumer, client and brand value through app development, tech modifications and user sentiment as core pillars of GMG. Bill will also lead GMG’s Reward/Utility Token and crypto exchange development as the company continues to expand its value proposition for all retail and product safety stakeholders. With a wide variety of industry engagement, Bill also brings working knowledge and experience with Government, DOD, Transportation and Healthcare complex environments.

Genuine Marketing Group Inc. or GMG is a retail and consumer focused marketing company that creates brand affinity and builds consumer confidence through its proprietary authentication system, ZPtag. Combining the user-friendly engagement of a smartphone app with the smart contracts of the IBM blockchain, GMG seamlessly integrates brand marketing and measuring consumer sentiment into the everyday consumer shopping experience.

As GMG’s app development and technology partner, IBM not only serves as the blockchain engine, but also as an integral part of the data-rich user experience. IBM blockchain is utilized to authenticate products while tracking and recording the product journey from origin to shopping cart. This allows for real-time customer engagement and product authentication direct from the shopping aisle.

This press release contains information that constitutes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results described within the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information provided herein represents the Company’s estimates as of the date of the press release, and subsequent events and developments may cause the Company’s estimates to change. The Company specifically disclaims any obligation to update the forward-looking information in the future. Therefore, this forward-looking information should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s estimates of its future financial performance as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Source: Marketing Group Inc.